TheTYM e-Magazine for youth policy, youth (media) activism and promotion of democratic values
The TYM e-Magazine publishes media content in English (texts, caricatures, photos, video-clips) created by young people, youth workers, experts, and all others who have and wish to say something about youth policy.
The e-Magazine gives special attention to youth media activism and aims to present the best practices of using different media for youth action. In addition authored articles, the e-Magazine also includes relevant articles from other websites.
The e-Magazine is a virtual space where visitors are able to get information about the international situation and problems of youth policy, and the place where young authors are able to write articles and other content intended for improving the youth policy internationally. In this respect, it has vital importance for the intraregional and transregional association, understanding, bringing together, promoting a dialogue and cooperation.
Meet Your Partners section
As the portal was created through cooperation with youth organisations from 10 countries from the Western Balkans, Western and Northern Europe, this section aims at helping the organisations from these regions to find partners for joint youth projects. This is in fact an address book of youth organisations from the United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Latvia, Estonia and Serbia.
Educative content (Open Educational Resources) section, dedicated to media literacy and media activism consists of:
multilingual course on media literacy and media activism
multilingual course on media skills for engaged youth
multilingual course on how to create a blog on youth policy and democracy
knowledge database of existing open resources on media literacy/activism.